Tracing the lines from glory to the ordinary

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I believe the God who created and upholds the world teaches us through every part of our days.

Join me as I write to discover his beauty and grace in both the big and the small.


He Gives Us Turtles

He Gives Us Turtles

My feet shifted against the sand as my eyes remained locked on the woman on the ground in front of me. Her right arm plunged back down into the open cavity, and she scooped one more fistful of sand up from its quiet home. The hole had grown quickly, now swallowing her...

What Will You Grab In a Fire?

What Will You Grab In a Fire?

What will you grab in a fire? Is it a picture? Stuffed animal? Medicine? Which heirlooms will you save from destruction? I've tumbled over this question through the years-the answers morphing with each candle on the birthday cake. 36 later, and now I know. Turns out...

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This Piece of Land

This Piece of Land

We signed the papers in the corner booth of an empty McDonald's—squeezed tight on the bench like a couple of teenagers. This time those butterflies beat their wings for every dollar listed on our paperwork. Frigid air from the vent above commanded every cell on my...

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Remembering Together- Journeywomen

Remembering Together- Journeywomen

Recently I got to write over at Journeywomen about how God has created us to remember together. If you're like me, your memory feels like a liability most days, yet the incredible news is that God hasn't left us to remember alone. Click here to read the whole...

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Grab a Free 6-Day Reading

Sometimes it can be hard to focus on the work of God in our lives. In this collection of essays, I’ll help you identify the numerous ways God builds your faith through the ordinary memorials of your life. Sign up for my newsletter below and you’ll receive this download. 

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