Hello! I’m so happy you’re here.
I’m an author, speaker, mom, and teacher, but I have some other names, too.
In my spare time, I’m a baker, runner, camper, needleworker, painter, cyclist, bookworm, cook, and many more besides.
I’ve discovered the God who upholds the world not only forms us through the ways we work, but he shapes us through the ways we play.
Play as Worship?
It might seem strange to think hobbies like crocheting, baking sourdough, or watching birds could be a form of worship. We’re so used to sectioning off our lives into compartments of religious and secular. But our God knows no bounds.
In my upcoming book with InterVarsity Press coming out this fall, I’ll walk you through the many ways God uses hobbies like board games, thrifting or even watching movies to form us and bring us to worship.
While you wait for my book, sign up for my newsletter, From Glory to Ordinary, where I write on hobbies twice a month.
I can’t wait to see you there.

What if the God who knitted you together also formed the specific ways you love to play?

To find out a little more about me and my family, click below!
You’ll find my hobby-related articles on my newsletter, but here on the blog you’ll find a collection of essays, poems, short stories dealing with a variety of theological and devotional content.

Buried Tears
I buried my tears, four feet deep into the earth.Is it enough? I wonderedas I tossed the final load of dirt.Unfortunately it wasn'tfor the springs began to rise.I grabbed the spade beside meAnd quickly dug another hole beside. A dozen feet moreand I threw my shovel...
He Gives Us Turtles
My feet shifted against the sand as my eyes remained locked on the woman on the ground in front of me. Her right arm plunged back down into the open cavity, and she scooped one more fistful of sand up from its quiet home. The hole had grown quickly, now swallowing her...
What Will You Grab In a Fire?
What will you grab in a fire? Is it a picture? Stuffed animal? Medicine? Which heirlooms will you save from destruction? I've tumbled over this question through the years-the answers morphing with each candle on the birthday cake. 36 later, and now I know. Turns out...
This Piece of Land
We signed the papers in the corner booth of an empty McDonald's—squeezed tight on the bench like a couple of teenagers. This time those butterflies beat their wings for every dollar listed on our paperwork. Frigid air from the vent above commanded every cell on my...
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