You Are a Link in a Chain

You Are a Link in a Chain I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the interconnectedness of the body of Christ. Every time a friend edits an article for me or when a sister in Christ reminds me of a helpful truth I can share with my children, I marvel at the way...

When We Can’t Remember

When We Can’t Remember Sometimes I forget just how much I’ve forgotten. I skim through baby books or old pictures on my phone, and I realize that hundreds of moments I’ve spent with my kids have evaporated from my memory. Maybe you have felt this...
I Can’t Find the Words

I Can’t Find the Words

I Can’t Find the Words Today our youngest son was finally able to start using an insulin pump! While things will by no means become simple, it’s an answer to a prayer of ours, and a culmination of many months of worries, fears, victories, and tears. I...
Everything You Ever Did

Everything You Ever Did

Everything You Ever Did Do you suffer from insomnia, increased anxiety, and tingling in your toes? Talk to your doctor about Remolton today! 1 We all know the spiel. We hear it on countless YouTube ads we’re desperately waiting to skip. The words scroll past our phone...
Pushing Past the ‘OK Plateau’

Pushing Past the ‘OK Plateau’

Pushing Past the ‘OK Plateau’ My heart pounded as my fingers guided the cursor to the link on the screen. This was it—edits for my first published piece. I’m sure there are things to fix, but I bet she loved that intro, I thought to myself. I wonder if...

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